
1219 University Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414

​​​Gaia Democratic school

Gaia Democratic School provides a multi age environment for learning together in fun and freedom. We strive to create a school that: -celebrates and honors each individual and the community as a whole --is anti-oppression, anti-racist,  -is inclusive of learning diversity and needs -is "Full Spectrum" in regards to respecting all community members' gender identities, neurodiversity and learning styles. We promote cooperative and self-directed learning, academic freedom, social justice, youth rights, environmental stewardship, and of course, democratic education. Flexible options, small groups and individualized plans are always part of the deal at Gaia. Gaia Democratic School admits students and hires staff of any race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national and ethnic origin and accords to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to all students at the school. GDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national or ethnic origin or any other reason.

Curriculums (resources prepared for use in a classroom/study group environment)



Orgs clinics and experts (often with their own resource lists)






STIs and other medical conditions 



Trans bodies, trans selves (note: content warnings for transphobia and use of slurs)

Come as you are by dr. emily nagoski (note: cis women-centric)

S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-to-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties

Fat and Queer: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives (note: significant content warnings for fatphobia, homophobia, use of slurs, drug use, moderate sexual content, and discussions of sexual assault, suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders. I have not read this book but wanted to include it)

transgender warriors and stone butch blues by leslie feinberg (note: i recommend searching up content warning lists for these books)

Sex(ed): the movie (2014)

Kinsey (2004) 

Killing us softly: advertising’s image of women (1-4) based on lectures by jean kilbourne 



Sources to avoid

Oh joy sex toy by erica moen (regularly posts unsourced information with a history of leaving incorrect information up on the site with only minimal acknowledgement)

Porn companies and websites (the porn industry benefits from using harmful categories to give white cishet men the best viewing experience at the cost of dehumanizing trans people, fat people, and people of color, as well as sexualizing teenage women and abusive scenarios, and any sex ed funded by that or learned from that environment is pushing a specific narrative you should be conscious of. Pornhub is also known to fake media stunts such as the viral sponsored snowplows during an east coast blizzard in 2017)

Gaia Democratic School admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. GDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national or ethnic origin or any other reason.

Sex Ed Empowers YOUth! 


 SEX ED EMPOWERS YOUth - Indigogo Campaign
Listen to Starri Hedges (Gaia's Director) on Minnesota Public Radio:

Link to Star Tribune article, Sept. 2015: 

Link to Gaia Council Statement, June 2015:  

Link to City Pages Article, June 29 2015:   http://www.citypages.com/news/teacher-starri-hedges-speaks-out-about-sex-shop-field-trip-7441954

Link to Gaia Board of Directors Statement, from  June 3, 2015

Video- Jon Oliver on Sex Ed:

New Sex Ed/Reproductive/Sex Ed Justice: 

Resources for Adults and Youth:
Scarleteen: http://www.scarleteen.com/

National Health Education Standards: 



Give Teens What They Need to Make Healthy Decisions

New National HIV/AIDS Strategy Prioritizes Sex Education and Reducing Health Disparities

Thanks to a grant from YouthPrise, our Sex Ed Empowers YOUth program is better than ever! Check out our RESOURCE LIST below. Youth under 25 are welcome to ask questions, request info and/or FREE supplies using this form: 

You may have heard about us in the news. You can read all about it here.
*Find out more about our stance on REAL SEX ED and youth rights 
*Find useful links and resources
*Let's talk about sex ed--it's important!