Gaia Marketplace: Gaia Alumni & Friends
~Links to shops and services~
Please contact us if you want to be added to this list.
Alberta Marais, artist:
Bad Dog Antiques, Estate Sales and Other Attractions:
Beelzebub Baubles:
Drake Powe, Meditation, yoga, speaking, stress reduction:
Martha, Art, astrology, jewelry and more:
Ophilia Mandara, Art, Astrology, Music, Magic and more:
Heidi Arneson, artist:
Ricardo Levins Morales:
Simone Rendon- edible arts, jam and more:
Move for Justice News/Photography:
Bumperstickers: $5 T shirts: $10 kid sizes, $15 adult sizes Tanktops: $25 Sweatshirts: $45 Tarot deck: $66 or 2/$50
Pay via paypal: Venmo: GaiaSchool Remember to tell us your order and preferences!
Available styles/colors:
Logo (Classic or Funky logo colors, fabric colors: white, black, others by order)
Logo- Thorn style (One color print, Black, others)
Gaia Uprising/Full Spectrum Logo (Classic, Blue tone, Pink tone fabric colors: white, gray, others by order)
Gaia Mascot- Gaiacorn/Rainbow Unicorn (Classic or Funky colors, fabric colors: black, white, pink, others by order)
Gaia "Sex Ed Empowers YOUth" (special edition M tanks featuring Thorn style logo- hot pink on navy, many other styles available by order)
CATS BEAT COPS (limited edition) Special T-Shirt Fundraiser to benefit a Gaia student artist in need! Add $10 to prices listed above to directly benefit artist.
Gaia Gratitude to all of our supporters!
pink tone
rainbow print
on black Tank top (back)
Mascot: Gaiacorn (Classic colors)
Become a Gaia member and get a FREE Tshirt!
Gaia Democratic School is a 501(c)3 tax exempt, non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.
Gaia Democratic School Membership Program
Gaia Members help sustain Gaia Democratic School (GDS) financially by contributing monthly or yearly. Our member support directly helps fund need-based school scholarships, educational supplies, field trips, and other vital resources. Please note: you do NOT have to be a Gaia Member to be a student at Gaia.
As a member, you receive discounts on all “Gaia Gear” and GDS events, and free access to our quarterly newsletter featuring student art and other GDS fun.
All members are invited to the school's annual Membership meeting which will occur yearly, usually in December. You will have the privilege of voting on Board Members when positions are being filled.
Dragon and Unicorn membership levels include a FREE T-shirt!
To further show our appreciation, all members will be displayed on our Member Mural Wall display. You can choose your own name, your business, or someone you wish to honor.
CATS: Rainbow on white
(Vneck is 10$ extra)
View our current wishlist:
Support Gaia!
We would not exist if it weren't for community support. There are many ways to support us including:
-help spread the word about our unique school and events,
-buy our merch,
-support our alumni and friends- see Marketplace list of links below.
CATS: rainbow on black
(Vneck is 10$ extra)
Gaia Democratic school
Gaia Democratic School provides a multi age environment for learning together in fun and freedom. We strive to create a school that: -celebrates and honors each individual and the community as a whole --is anti-oppression, anti-racist, -is inclusive of learning diversity and needs -is "Full Spectrum" in regards to respecting all community members' gender identities, neurodiversity and learning styles. We promote cooperative and self-directed learning, academic freedom, social justice, youth rights, environmental stewardship, and of course, democratic education. Flexible options, small groups and individualized plans are always part of the deal at Gaia. Gaia Democratic School admits students and hires staff of any race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national and ethnic origin and accords to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to all students at the school. GDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national or ethnic origin or any other reason.
Sweatshirts: Uprising design
Gaia Logo: Funky colors
Use this "Donate" button to make a one time donation or pay tuition with Paypal.
You can also Venmo us: GaiaSchool or send a check to Gaia at 1219 University Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414.
Sex Ed Empowers YOUth with Thorn style classic logo
Classic Logo
Gaia Democratic School admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. GDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, national or ethnic origin or any other reason.
Select your membership level from the menu below and click "Subscribe" to set up an automatic monthly payment through PayPal.
Membership Levels:
$10/month or $100/year
10% off Gaia Gear/Events FREE T-shirt
$25/month or $250/year
25% off Gaia Gear/Events FREE T-shirt
$50/month or $500/year
50% off Gaia Gear/Events FREE T-shirt, Shout out at events, etc. Gaia student art work gifts.
Gaia Tarot Deck
Made collaboratively by over 50 artists!
$66. per deck or 2 decks for $100.
Includes: 78 cards, cloth, bag, and blessing!
Paypal link:
Gaia Mascot: Gaiacorn
classic colors on black
Gaia Uprising:
Pink tone rainbow print
on white Tank (back)
CATS Tank black on white